
4 Marketing Trends Small Businesses Should Pay Attention to going into Q3 of 2024

As we move into the second half of 2024, staying on top of the latest marketing trends is a good idea for any small business owner. While trends aren’t always a perfect predictor of what’s next, they can be incredibly informative (and fun!) to watch. Paying attention to consumer and marketing trends can provide valuable insights into behavior and preferences, which can help you anticipate changes and adapt your marketing strategies accordingly to ultimately drive sales.

As a branding photographer, I see firsthand the power of visual storytelling and effective social media use, which are definitely involved. Here are five marketing trends to keep an eye on, along with practical tips for implementing them in your marketing strategy:

Branding portrait of interior designer

1. Craft Messages Based on Generational Marketing

Generational marketing is a strategic marketing approach that segments your ideal clients/customers into age groups and customizes marketing messaging and tactics based on the values and shared experiences that bind the generational group together.

Why It’s Trending:
According to this study done by Forbes, a driving force behind consumer behavior in 2024 is understanding who they are based on what generation they are from, and then crafting your messaging to really resonate and connect with that niche audience. People like the idea of supporting businesses that understand how they like to be marketed to. According to the same study, one in five respondents report that personalized communication positively impacts their relationship with a brand.

Key Takeaways:

  • Boomers: Legacy, Trust and Clarity: Born between 1946 and 1964, Boomers value straightforward, informative content. This group values brands that demonstrate long-term commitments to ethical practices and community impact. They prefer traditional media but are increasingly using social media.
  • Gen X: Practical and Purposeful: Gen Xers (born between 1965 and 1980) blend practicality with purpose. They appreciate transparency and are likely to support brands that integrate core values into their operations, not just use them as a marketing gimmick. They are tech-savvy yet still appreciate traditional media forms.
  • Millennials: Passion and Activism: Millennials (born between 1981 and 1996) also value authenticity and social responsibility, but add to that experiences. They also are more likely to care about employee treatment making a brand’s internal culture an important determinant of brand loyalty and trust for this generation. For them, buying sustainable products is a form of activism.
  • Gen Z: Digital Natives with a Green Heart: Gen Z (born from 1997 to early 2010s) consumers reflect a decisive shift towards values-driven brand relationships. 82% are more likely to purchase from brands that advocate for social equality. It is also the most environmentally conscious generation yet.

Actionable Tips:

For crafting your messaging for your ideal client or customers, consider the following…

  • Boomers: Emphasize quality and service, highlight any community involvement, provide educational content that is clear and informative but avoids industry jargon. Use customer service and personalized communication to build trust. Focus on email marketing, Facebook, and traditional media.
  • Gen X: Show the human side of your business, clearly communicate your brand’s values and the steps you’re taking to make a positive impact. Loyalty programs work well with this generation. Consider a mix of social media, email marketing, and text marketing.
  • Millennials: Create engaging content, offer experiences (this can look like hosting events, workshops, or webinars), and leverage user-generated content.
  • Gen Z: Highlight your commitment to sustainability, social justice, or community involvement. Share stories on social media that showcase your brand’s impact. Create engaging and interactive content, such as behind-the-scenes videos or live streams showing your business’s eco-friendly practices. Collaborate with influencers. Emphasize visual content and brand personality.

2. User-Generated Content (UGC)

Why It’s Trending:
User-generated content, such as reviews, photos, and videos created by customers and influencers, is trusted more than traditional advertising. According to a 2024 survey by BrightLocal, 82% of consumers trust UGC as much as personal recommendations.

Key Takeaways:

  • Trust: UGC builds trust and credibility with potential customers.
  • Engagement: Encouraging your customers to create content for you increases engagement and brand loyalty.

Actionable Tips:

  • Encourage Reviews: Ask satisfied customers to leave reviews on your social media pages, better yet if they are video reviews or testimonials.
  • Create Hashtags: Develop a branded hashtag and encourage customers to use it when they post about your products.
  • Feature UGC: Share user-generated content on your social media channels and website to show appreciation and build community.
Branding image of realtor at her desk

3. Tailored Experiences and Personalization

Why It’s Trending:
In 2024, consumers are all about personalized experiences. They want to feel like your business understands their unique needs and preferences. From customized product recommendations to tailored marketing messages, personalization is becoming more crucial than ever.

Key Takeaways:

  • Improve Customer Experience: Tailored customer service solutions help close the “empathy gap” between brands and customers.
  • Increase Engagement: Personalized options can help differential a brand in a crowded industry.
  • Boost Brand Loyalty: According to a McKinsey report, brands who personalize their web experiences see a 19% uplift in sales on average.

Actionable Tips:

  • Personalized Product Recommendations & Loyalty Programs: Utilize analytics to recommend products that fit individual customer preferences and past purchases. Create loyalty programs that offer personalized rewards based on customer behavior. For example, give exclusive discounts on items they frequently buy or early access to new collections they might be interested in.
  • Dynamic Website Content: Websites that adjust their content based on user behavior and preferences create a more engaging experience.
  • Balance Personalization with Privacy: While personalization is powerful, it’s essential to balance it with privacy concerns to maintain consumer trust through transparency, consent, and security.
woman sitting and looking at her phone in branding photos

4. Social Commerce

Why It’s Trending:
Social commerce integrates shopping directly into social media platforms, making it easier for customers to purchase without leaving the app. This trend is growing rapidly, with social commerce sales projected to reach $90 billion in the U.S. by the end of 2024.

Key Takeaways:

  • Convenience: Makes the shopping experience seamless and easy for customers.
  • Reach: Taps into the massive user base of social media platforms.
  • Impulse Buys: Encourages impulse purchases through easy access to products.

Actionable Tips:

  • Shoppable Posts: Use features like Instagram Shopping to tag products in your posts.
  • Product Links: Regularly share links to products in your stories and posts.
  • Promotions: Run exclusive social media promotions to drive traffic and sales.
staff photos of an orthodontics office

Bonus Trends To Look Into

Influencer Partnerships

Influencers are playing a crucial role in shaping shopping trends. Consumers trust influencers’ recommendations, which can significantly impact purchasing decisions. Brands are increasingly partnering with influencers to create authentic, relatable content that drives sales.

Subscription Services

Subscription services are booming as consumers enjoy the convenience and personalized nature of curated products delivered to their doorsteps. From meal kits to beauty boxes, subscription models are appealing due to their ease and the surprise element they offer.

Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL)

The BNPL model is becoming a popular payment option. It allows consumers to purchase products and pay for them in installments, often with little or no interest. This trend is particularly appealing to younger consumers who prefer flexible payment options.

Planning Ahead

As we navigate through the second half of 2024, it’s a good reminder for businesses of any size to remain flexible, innovative, and customer-centric. If this all feels a little overwhelming just remember to start small, be consistent, and most importantly, stay authentic to your brand.

If you’re still looking for help with visual storytelling and content in creating a more personalized experience to your ideal clients or customers, be sure to give us a call.